Atlanta Chapter United Advanced Practice Registered Nurses

Call for Nominations

Posted about 9 years ago by Marta Flood

Hello Atlanta Members and Followers

As you know we have announced a call for Nominations for the upcoming elections for the Leadership positions of the Atlanta Chapter.

We are in the process of gathering names at this time.

If there are no interested parties, the Atlanta Chapter will dissolve. We currently have 143 active Members and over 800 followers that may be interested in participating in a leadership role.

Please send any interest to me at

The roles and responsibilities are listed in the Bylaws that were posted earlier this year for anyone who has questions about the duties involved.

I am hopeful that the Atlanta Chapter survives so please consider participation.

If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact me.


Kindest Regards,

Marta Flood President UAPRN Atlanta Chapter