Atlanta Chapter United Advanced Practice Registered Nurses

Your Help is Needed!

Posted over 9 years ago by Marta Flood

Transition Day is approaching!

I am asking each of you who are working as a Nurse Practitioner or those of you employed by a group that employs Nurse Practitoners to please ask if they would like to participate in our event. There is no cost for an employer to attend. This is an opportunity for them to showcase their offices and discuss their utilization of the Nurse Practioner roles within their group. I ask that each member and follower of our Atlanta Group reach out. It will be a great event and will help new and recently graduated Nurse Practioners get an idea of who is hiring and where Nurse Practioners are making a difference. We would like to have at least 25 tables for students to visit and learn about jobs in the field.

I have a flyer to present with more information for those of you who are able to secure your Human Resource or Recruiting department to attend. Please e mail me at Marta33911@aol. In the heading please note Transition Day.