Atlanta Chapter United Advanced Practice Registered Nurses

Congratulations Atlanta Chapter

Posted almost 10 years ago by Marta Flood

Our meeting this past week was a great success. I was happy to have both the State President and VP in attendance as I shared with all of the members our success and recognition for all that we have participated in over the past year. We were honored with an Award at the State meeting last weekend in Macon. Thanks to all of you for making the Atlanta Chapter such a success. 

The Business meeting followed our sponsored event and we reviewed a tentative schedule for the remainder of the year. We will be having a holiday get together as well.

A call for participation in 3 committees was announced. These committees will work with leadership on upcoming events and news. They included Transition Day 2015, Legislative News and Preceptorship. 

Transition Day Committee will be working with leadership to secure a location as well as brainstorm additional prospective employers for the event. I have the list from last year which will help get things started. We will also be in need of contacting schools to have announce to students about the event. Other duties include set up and clean up as well as putting together a menu for the event. 

The Legislative Committee will be involved in conference calls with PAC and CAPRN for updates and issues that may require some action on our part as NP's. I will be heading this committee in the early stages to help sort through some of the language and etiquette needed to tackle the politcal arena.

The Preceptor Committee will be working with the state to brainstorm ways to handle concerns and needs of students as well as to field some of the barriers preventing NP's from educating our own.

If any of you are interested in joining any of the above we still have a need and welcome your help. Most of the work is done via e mail and conference calls. Actual face to face meeting would be as needed. 

The Chapter voted to support a Holiday Offering to Hospice Centers across the region. We also took a collection for a Mission Trip Hosted by GA Baptist Nursing College to purchase supplies such as BP cuffs, pulse ox and OTC medications. They are also looking for glucometers and testing strips. The collection will certainly help their efforts and we wish them well. They will be leaving October 25th and additional donations can be made to the chapter at the next meeting or see me Saturday at Stone Mountain.

Look for a couple of Survey Monkey survey's to participate in decision making regarding our holiday gathering and more.