Atlanta Chapter United Advanced Practice Registered Nurses

Non-UAPRN Info-- Sample AANP Smart Brief-- You can subscribe for free on the AANP web page

Posted about 12 years ago by Charlotte Swint

  Health Care News
  • Diabetes is tied to greater risk of death from other diseases Data on more than 1 million U.S. adults showed men and women with diabetes had a higher risk of death from other diseases, including some cancers, when factors including age and BMI were taken into account. "The broad range of deaths associated with diabetes in this study reflect the extensive nature of the disease," researchers wrote. The findings were published in Diabetes Care. News (6/20)
  • HIV-positive young men are more likely to have lower bone mass A study published in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases found that men ages 14 to 25 who take HIV drugs are at greater risk of low bone mass compared with other men their age. Researchers looked at 250 HIV-positive male patients, and they found that their bone mass was 5% to 8% lower in the hip and 2% to 4% lower in the spine compared with healthy patients. Providers should monitor young male patients with HIV for signs of bone density loss and encourage exercise and vitamin D intake, researchers recommended. (6/20), United Press International (6/21)
  Pharmaceutical News
  • Short-term flecainide works against AF recurrence after cardioversion A study found that short-term use of anti-arrhythmic treatment flecainide prevents most atrial fibrillation recurrence after cardioversion. "Although anti-arrhythmic short-term treatment is inferior to long-term treatment, it will be useful in selected patients," said lead researcher Paulus Kirchhof. "Short-term treatment should be considered for AF patients who are at increased risk for complications or adverse effects." MedWire News (U.K.) (6/21)
  • Study: NSAID use in early pregnancy doesn't raise miscarriage risk A U.S. study found that use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in early pregnancy does not elevate the risk of miscarriage, contradicting earlier research tying NSAIDs to spontaneous abortion. Researchers said 43% of 2,780 study participants reported taking NSAIDs in their first trimester, but the entire cohort reported 13% of spontaneous abortions. Medscape (free registration) (6/21)
  • Drug combo reduces mother-to-infant HIV transmission Anti-retroviral treatment comprising two or three drugs reduced HIV transmission for babies whose HIV-positive mother did not receive prenatal ART, according to a study in The New England Journal of Medicine. Meanwhile, a clinical trial published in the same journal showed that HIV-positive babies treated with nevirapine, together with zidovudine and lamivudine, had higher virologic failure compared with those given lopinavir in combination. News (6/20)
  Emerging Trends, Products and Technologies
  • Teen pregnancy rates in U.S. hit lowest level since 1976 A report released by the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics revealed that teen pregnancy rates dropped 40% from 1990 to 2008, to the lowest level since 1976. Black and Hispanic teens aged 15 to 19 had pregnancy rates that were two to three times higher than pregnancy rates for white teens in 2008, researchers said. HealthDay News (6/20)
  Health Policy and Legislative News
  AANP News
  • AANP Conference -- Day 3 Janet M. Cargill, image consultant, AANP past president Dr. Penny Kaye Jensen and conference vice-chairman Dr. Judith Berg will present an upbeat and informative general session on taking charge of your professional health -- "Be the Best You Can Be." The session focuses on the many facets of professional health, including a discussion of professional ethics, keeping abreast of cutting edge evidence-based practice, participation in NP professional organizations, being an enthusiastic spokesperson or representative of NPs, and encouraging health policy that improve health outcomes.
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To have ideas is to gather flowers; to think is to weave them into garlands."
--Anne Sophie Swetchine, Russian mystic and salon owner