Atlanta Chapter United Advanced Practice Registered Nurses

Transition Day Success

Posted over 10 years ago by Marta Flood

Hello Chapter MembersĀ 

To all of our team members who helped make Transition Day a great success I thank you!

We had a wonderful turnout and all of our student attendees voiced how helpful the event was to them. I hope to make this an annual event and look forward to future success. The membership has grown and our students and recent graduates have made connections to hep them on their journey into practice.

A big thank you to Brenau University for offering their campus as a hosting site.

Dr James Lawrence our State President opened with some wonderful remarks to our students and encouraged membership and participation.
Dr Michelle Nelson also spoke to the importance of membership.

And our State Treasurer Debi Gass was so helpful despite technical difficulties enrolling new members.

Our sponsors had great information for our students about prospective job opportuities as well.

Thank you again to all who attended and we look forward to future Transition Day Success!

We will begin looking forĀ a hosting campus in the fall and will start calling vendors for participation in early winter. Please consider becomming a member of the Transition Day Committee as more hands make light the load.

Great job Atlanta Chapter Members for all your hard work putting this together!