Atlanta Chapter United Advanced Practice Registered Nurses

Meeting tonight at Agave

Posted over 12 years ago by Charlotte Swint

We are looking forward to seeing everyone tonight at Agave. Please find below some last minute details:

  • We have asked Dr. Henkel to start her presentation between 6:45 and 7:00 PM. We have 35 people who have registered for the event!
  • I wanted to clarify that we will be awarded 2 credit hours total for the event with one of the hours being a pharmacology hour. Dr. Henkel has added extra pharmacology information her presentation for us.
  • If you are unable to attend, please change your RSVP following the directions below:

1. When you log in to our web page, go to your profile "My Home" and there is a section on your profile titled "My Events."

2. If you click on this tab it takes you to a page that shows any future event for which you have RSVPed. Under this tab you may change your RSVP preference.

  • Valet parking is the preferred method of parking at the restaurant.
  • The event is not being sponsored by a vendor so we will be purchasing our own meals.

We look forward to a successful event!

Officers of Atlanta Chapter UAPRN