Atlanta Chapter United Advanced Practice Registered Nurses

Transition Day Committee

Posted over 10 years ago by Marta Flood

Hi All

I want to open the door to all of you who would be willing to make a few calls for this important event.

I currently have Melissa McCarthy, Naomi Demiglio and our current leadership acting as hosts and callers for this event. I had one other e mail and I honestly cannot find it. If you have sent an e asking about this committee and are still interested, yes I need you.

I would like to send out the letters of invite.

We have a commitment from our former President Cecile Jones (who also presented a wonderful program last week) to have her firm (Fusion Sleep), host one of the tables.

I Need Callers.

I will be sending a list with names and responsibilities needed Monday so please let me know if you can help by then.

We need to get the word out before the April 17th.

The date is May 17th 8am -12 noon. 

Thanks to all of you who have joined the Chapter in the past month. We welcome you!

Marta Flood RN, MSN, CNP
