Atlanta Chapter United Advanced Practice Registered Nurses

Please Consider...

Posted over 10 years ago by Marta Flood


Hello Members and Followers,

This is a friendly reminder to consider becoming a member of this growing organization of Nurse Practitioners! We need you, all of you to become active members. Our strength is in numbers. Many employers will reimburse the fee to participate in local chapters. Please check with your employer to see if this benefit is available at your work site. And then join!

At our last State conference call we were updated with growth of this organization and we have grown. The last report was at 100%. Won't you please join us in our effort to promote and grow the Nurse Practitioner role in the area. We need you, all of you.

We are actively searching for a willing soul to please fill a vacancy in the Chapter. We desperately need a Secretary. I have posted this message to the members section as well. It is imperative that this vacancy be filled or the Atlanta Chapter will be forced to dissolve. The President, Dr Lawrence, made it very clear that all chapters must have Leadership roles filled. I have even offered to have a team of two that could co chair this seat. I realize time is limited and would consider a commitment of half the time need to keep this chapter alive. We are a powerful and talented bunch and to see this chapter dissolve would be a huge blow to our profession given all we have accomplished these past few years.

Other needs:

We are hosting a Transitions Day to students who are graduating this spring. We have already secured a site and now need a few hands (and i phones) to make calls and get confirmation of attendance from prospective employers. Transitions Day is new to our Chapter and as far as I know our state. It consists of Practicing NP's and graduate NP's coming together and sharing information. We will have membership sign up to keep our new graduates informed through state chapters. This will provide support and resources to them as then enter the profession. Lectures will be given at the event discussing Resume' writing, interviewing skills and legislative information including how to contact their local representatives. We are reaching out to employers locally that employ NP's and are asking that they share information about positions they have for NP's by attending and hosting a table with information. The purpose of Transition day is to bring together information and support to our new graduates. This is an important aspect of keeping our profession connected at all levels. So again I ask each of you to consider participating in this committee. We will meet once to discuss the event but the rest of the work can be done via email and conference calling. You do not need to be present at the event to help with the calls and such. We need you, all of you.

Please contact me if interested in helping the Transition Day event. I have 2 brave souls looking for additional help. Thanks again for participating in our chapter. For those of you following, I would like very much to put a face to the name. Consider joining and attending an event.

Kindest Regards,

Marta Flood RN, MSN, CNP

Atlanta Chapter President