Atlanta Chapter United Advanced Practice Registered Nurses

Meeting Notes March 25th

Posted over 10 years ago by Marta Flood

Hello Chapter Members,

We have had a great start to the year and have a few announcements.

I will be positing to all followers shortly but this update is to members only.

It appears we have lost 20 members in the last month and show a total of 104 members as of today.

Please remind your peers to renew their membership as soon as possible.

We also welcome those of you who just joined us and thank you for you participation in the Chapter.

Our March meeting notes included an introduction to your new leadership. Amanda and Leslie were both at the March 18th meeting and had a chance to speak to you. We look forward to a successful year.

The treasures report will be given monthly and our recent expense off $1500.00 was made to CAPRN to support the efforts of Laura Searcy and her team to provide continued support regarding our legislative position and updates regarding law and practice in GA. The anticipated funding for the May Transitions Day has not been set but we expect to serve approximately 75-100 with a continental breakfast at the event. We will try to keep handouts and other literature from the Chapter at a minimum to keep expenses low.

Our first order of business and most pressing is to fill the position of Secretary in our Chapter. I am sorry to say that our chapter will be forced to dissolve if this cannot be accomplished per the State President Dr Lawrence. I am asking each of you or a team of two of you to consider splitting attendance at meetings to fill this crucial role. I need each of you to please consider any amount of time you could give to our chapter. I feel we have so much to offer through this Chapter and to see it fail would be a terrible waste of talent and power that we as a group possess.

We discussed visibility efforts and have all agrees to participate with the State leadership on October 25th. Look for more information about this wonderful community service day. Additional visibility efforts were discussed by Amanda. More to come on these at the next meeting.

Amanda also put together a Survey. Some have taken this already at the March 18th meeting. It will be posted again via Survey Monkey shortly. Please take the time to take this brief survey as we are collecting information to see how the Chapter can better serve the members.

Legislative updates were reviewed and there will be another conference call early April. More updates will be discussed at the April 10th meeting.

Our Next Meeting is April 10th. Please respond if you plan to attend. Seating is limited to 40 and students are welcome.

Respectfully submitted,

Marta Flood RN, MSN, CNP

President of the Atlanta Chapter