Atlanta Chapter United Advanced Practice Registered Nurses

Meeting notes

Posted over 10 years ago by Marta Flood

 Hello Chapter Members and Followers!

Thank you to those of you able to attend the meeting last Tuesday night. Dr. Croft was impressed with our chapter's enthusiasm and our awareness of the current affairs in the General Assembly. This was quite a compliment.

The leadership was introduced and will be introduced again at the next meeting March 25th for those of you who have not yet met us.

We will be searching the crowd for an interested party to step into the role of Secretary. Unfortunately there was a misprint on the ballot and we did not actually have a candidate in place. Please consider this wonderful opportunity to participate in the chapter.

We will also be seeking out volunteers for the upcoming "Transition Day" to be held May 17th at Brenau University, Norcross campus from 8am-12pm. I will discuss the details of this at the meeting and could use about 8 people total. We would need 2 to set up and 2 to clean up. I would also like 4 to make calls and confirm attendance.

We reviewed the State Conference call updates as well as the legislative updates. Again this will be repeated at the next meeting.

See you all Tuesday March 25th where we welcome our Previous President Cecile to speak about Daytime Sleepiness and Narcolepsy.

~Marta Flood RN, MSN, ANP-C (President)