Atlanta Chapter United Advanced Practice Registered Nurses


Posted over 10 years ago by Marta Flood


Hello to the Atlanta Chapter members from your new president.

I am committed to the community and patients I serve, I am dedicated to the profession I chose and I am loyal to those I am fortunate to have been entrusted to lead. I am excited about the new year and the direction of the Chapter. Our past President, Cecile and past Treasurer Cheryl have worked very hard the last two years to improve the visibility and integrity of this chapter. I send out a heart felt thank you for all that they both have done!

After a few weather interruptions we are finally able to meet live at the upcoming March event. The Chapter Officers (Marta- President, Amanda- Vice President and Leslie- Treasurer) have been busy and are off to a great start planning for the year ahead. Our first business meeting will start promptly after the presentation.

We are planning a brief introduction of the leadership as well as the legislative updates. There will be lots to share and we will be asking for volunteers to help with upcoming events. It is our hope to have a more active and more unified chapter in the coming months. Please feel free to contact any of the Chapter members with questions, comments and suggestions.