Atlanta Chapter United Advanced Practice Registered Nurses

Seeking volunteer for Board position

Posted about 13 years ago by Cynthia Leipold

The Atlanta Chapter UAPRN is seeking an individual interested in assuming the Treasurer position on the chapter Board of Directors.  The term is for 2 years.  Responsibilities include:

  • Oversee preparation, implementation and presentation of annual budget,
  • Provide financial report at meetings,
  • Receive and have charge of all funds of the association, pay bills and make deposits,
  • Receive membership dues and collaborate with chapter Secretary to ensure accurate membership list, and
  • Attend board meetings and dinner/business meetings as able.

Time commitment is approximately 5 - 8 hours per month.  Must be a paid member. 

If you would like more information and/or are interested, please contact Cindy Leipold, chapter president.