Atlanta Chapter United Advanced Practice Registered Nurses

Full vs. Limited Access to the Atlanta Chapter UAPRN web page

Posted about 13 years ago by Charlotte Swint


On our webpage there are two levels of access. One level is called "full access" and is it reserved for members who have paid dues. The other level of access is "limited access," and this level of access is for those who have not yet paid. If you are a dues-paid member, you have access to the the parts of the webpage dedicated to meeting minutes and the directories.

If you have recently joined UAPRN, please scan in a copy of your membership card and email it to If you cannot find your card but have paid your dues, you can email us or use the "Contact Us" button on the webpage to let us know that you have paid (try to give us the approximate date) and that your access needs to be changed. We have had a delay in getting membership updates from the state UAPRN, but we want to make sure that our records are current.

Thanks for your assistance and hope you are having a great summer!

Your Atlanta Chapter Officers