Atlanta Chapter United Advanced Practice Registered Nurses


Posted 3 months ago by Robin Pingeton (The United Advanced Practice Registered Nurses of Georgia)


We are currently working with the CBOM and BON to finalize the implementation for Death Certificates and the ordering of  hydrocodone compounds.

Both will require delegation by our collaborating physician. An addendum to anyone with a current authorized agreement will most likely be the process required.

We have asked the CBOM to have a process in place for those who have a nonauthorized agreement, to include temporally authorizing all submitted agreements as is, including those outstanding over 12-24 months. They are working with their legal teams to find an immediate solution. Jullianna and I have had multiple conversations since last Friday with the Govenor's office, the CBOM, BON and DPH, we made it very clear this is a glorious crisis and one that needs to be resolved immediately. We should hear from the Govenor's office this week  and will forward any information.

In the meantime, please register for the below required training. This is one of two required trainings and will review the documentation process of a death certificate and the GAVERs system.

the next webinar  in June 27th,  I am waiting to see the July dates and will forward. Please use the link below to register. You will also need to register for the GAVERS system. When you receive your confirmation for the webinar, please respond back that you need access to GAVERS as well. Joseph Little is our contact at the DPH for this but is on vacation this week.

The second required training will be on the clinical determination of cause of death and that is in the process of being completed, more information to come!

Please reach out for any questions and thankyou!

Robin Pingeton

678-577-1421   robin@pingeton

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