Atlanta Chapter United Advanced Practice Registered Nurses


Posted 4 months ago by Robin Pingeton (The United Advanced Practice Registered Nurses of Georgia)


Your GRC have been working diligently the past week with the CBOM and DCH to address the ongoing crisis of our delayed processing of protocol agreements.

CBOM is very aware of the seriousness of this issue and has finally received needed support and resources to help fix this.

Several temp workers along with 2 interns from the Govenor's office will be starting next week.

Thye have also submitted requisitions to have boxes that were put into storage during the  move last April, to be delivered. these boxes are thought to have several missing agreements. 

Remember this is the government and nothing happens fast, and the new executive director inherited a huge mess. 

The DCH and CBOM  would like to ask us that we hold of on calling, emailing and going to the CBOM at this time,  as this is causing delays, and honestly they can not handle the volume. The CBOM board will be meeting next week to discuss solutions. The GRC have made several suggestions and will be providing continued support and information.  A few of the suggestions that are being discussed sound very promising!!

If you submitted a collaborative issue to me, this has been added to the ongoing spread sheet that we are sharing with the CBOM. So far to date our list is over 200 APRNs, some of which are outstanding since 2022.

If you have not submitted your collab issue to me, please do so and I am happy to add to the list. 


Robin Pingeton

Co-director GRC
