Atlanta Chapter United Advanced Practice Registered Nurses

REMINDER: Last 2 days to submit for Chapter Officer Nominations

Posted almost 2 years ago

Dear UAPRN members,

Serving as an officer within UAPRN Atlanta provides numerous opportunities for networking and professional development. As a reminder the deadline to submit your nominations for a chapter officer position is tomorrow, Sunday October 23rd! 

 Nominees for office must satisfy the following requirements:

            -Must be an active member of UAPRN of Georgia in good standing

            -Must submit a current curriculum vitae and letter of intent

The following positions will be open for nominations (descriptions for each open position are listed below at the end of the announcement):

  • Vice-President: 2-year term (term commences on January 1, 2023)
  • Recording Secretary: 2-year term (term commences on January 1, 2023)
  • Treasurer: 2-year term (term commences on January 1, 2023)

If you are interested in running for one of the eligible positions, please submit your CV and letter of intent to by October 23, 2022. Voting will be held starting October 24th through November 6th. Ballots will be sent via email to all active Atlanta Chapter members.

We look forward to your submissions, and we honor the prospect of inducting the newest leaders of UAPRN Atlanta. 

Have a terrific weekend! 

-Your Atlanta Chapter Officer Board

Description of Responsibilities for Open Officer Positions:

Vice President – 2 year term
1. The Vice president shall:
a. assume the duties of Present, should the President not be able to serve the term, 
 and shall preside at meetings if the President is unable to attend.
b. assist the President with discharge of duties.
c. serve as the chair of the nominations committee.
d. assume other duties as appointed by the President

Recording Secretary – 2 year term
1. The Secretary shall:
a. keep a recording of all the minutes of each meeting and provide to the 
 President. If secretary unable to attend monthly meeting, will arrange for 
 another member to record meeting minutes.
b. handle any correspondence as deemed necessary by the President, or as 
 directed by the membership as a result of the meetings.
c. keep current roster of association membership with the Treasurer
d. maintain the Hotmail listerv.

Treasurer – 2 year term
1. The Treasurer shall:
a. oversee the preparation, implementation, and presentation of the annual budget.
b. provide a financial report at each meeting.
c. receive and have charge of all funds of the association chapter, pay bills, and 
 make deposits.
d. Will receive and maintain chapter balances of membership monies from 
UAPRN State Treasurer.
e. serve as a member for the finance/fund-raising committee.
f. will file 503C tax status annually