Atlanta Chapter United Advanced Practice Registered Nurses

Transitions Day 2021 Event Details

Posted over 3 years ago by Oteia Morris

The Atlanta Chapter is excited to host Transitions Day 2021 Two Day Event!

Day One- May 15th (10 am-5pm) "Pop Up Shop" at Georgia Nurses Association
Free Parking on GNA Property.

Professional Headshots by Rayna Wooden Photography
Professional Attire recommended.

Resume Critiquing: Bring a printed copy of your most recent resume or CV to be reviewed.
Mock interviewing: Be prepared by three of our professional interviewer on how to answer those hard questions usually asked by employers.

Vendor Village: Visit the booths of organizations and business that sponsored Transitions Day. Be sure to visit our UAPRN Atlanta booth to learn more about our wonderful organization and order your "Stand Up for Nurses" T-shirt or Mask.

Networking Opportunity: Be prepared to become a part of the APRN community by having business cards or social media handles to exchange with professional peers.

Gift Basket Raffle: Turn in your completed vendor bingo card and have your name entered to win one of our beautifully assembled "Self -care for Nurses gift baskets.

Refreshments will be provided and plan for lunch at noon.

Day Two- May 16th (9am-4pm) Virtual Program covering topics relevant to the APRN practice to include:
Understanding Scope of Practice as Determined by Training and Certification
Resources and Effective Use in Practice
Collaborative Practice Agreements
Practice Protocol and Delegating Physicians
NP Contracts and Negotiations
Resume Makeover, Landing your Job as an NP
Media Engagement and Professionalism
Legislation and Advocacy
PAH The Diagnosis you don't want to Miss. Presented by Simply Speaking , CEU 1 credit.
Lunch and Learn introducing Genesight: Case Studies and Practical Application of Pharmacogenomics.

Oteia K. Morris, UAPRN Atlanta Chapter President