Atlanta Chapter United Advanced Practice Registered Nurses

Membership 411: Insights from Atlanta Chapter Member Survey 2021

Posted over 3 years ago by Kristan Langdon

Thank you again to all members who responded in February to the membership survey. We had a record number of members respond to the membership survey this year, which was awesome! This has allowed us to learn how our membership is currently comprised, learn more about your interests and the programs you would like to see in the chapter, and give us feedback on how we can best serve you moving forward this year. Just as we enjoyed the opportunity to learn more about the membership, we thought you would as well. Based on survey responses, here is a brief overview of our chapter membership. 

  • Family Nurse Practitioners make up the largest portion of our membership at 62.5%, followed by Adult Nurse Practitioners at 15%.
  • The largest single concentration in specialty is in Primary Care, with over 40% of members practicing in this area. This is followed by Women's Health and Academia, both at 10%. We also have a large breadth in specialty representation within our group.  
  • The desire for opportunities for educational content was the leading primary (40%) and secondary (30%) reason for joining UAPRN . This was followed by networking opportunities at 22.5% in both categories.
  • Giving back to the community through community service events was important, and over 50% of respondents were interested in serving the chapter in this area through committee engagement. 

With this information we as a leadership team are already crafting opportunities to serve you better in these areas. We will host our first hybrid dinner meeting April 22nd providing both in-person and virtual option to participate in educational updates.  April's dinner meeting topic will be: COPD GOLD 2021 Guideline Updates.  Register here: Depending upon feedback from the evening and with growth in immunization numbers we hope to be able to offer this type of programming for our dinner meetings going forward. 

We will be hosting a membership drive in May. More details to come shortly, but this is a terrific opportunity to invite your colleagues to join you in growing engagement for improving professional practice and creating healthcare impact here in Atlanta through Atlanta chapter UAPRN membership. 

Have a great weekend!

Our Best,

Kristan and your Atlanta Chapter UAPRN Leadership Team

Oteia Morris

Kristan Langdon

Shakira Lynn

Jessica Lynn

Zohra Wadhwania