Atlanta Chapter United Advanced Practice Registered Nurses

Virtual Gift Drive for CHOA

Posted almost 4 years ago by Nicole Bello

This announcement has 1 attachment:

Thank You Card 12/2019

Atlanta UAPRN,

As you may know our annual Christmas Party has been cancelled. We also usually use this time to perform our annual toy drive for Children's Healthcare of Atlanta. In lieu of our toy drive I'm asking that everyone contribute to our Virtual Gift Drive for CHOA. 

During this holiday season please take the time to donate to Children's Healthcare of Atlanta so that in their time of healing and during this pandemic they can enjoy some holiday cheer. 

Using the link below will take you to CHOA's donation page. Please just give what you can!;jsessionid=00000000.app202b?df_id=1480&mfc_pref=T&1480.donation=form1&NONCE_TOKEN=26C8E18CD17C6E62477A9F81605D0FD5

After you donate forward your holiday greeting cards/pictures to us so that we can share your kindness with our nursing community. You can email us ( or post to our FB Page @atluaprn #virtualgiftdriveCHOA

Wishing everyone a beautiful and safe holiday season!

Nicole Bello 



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