Atlanta Chapter United Advanced Practice Registered Nurses

Urgent Call To Action HB1092

Posted over 4 years ago by Nicole Bello

Urgent! Please call the Speaker and following Rules Committee members TODAY to ask them to vote YES to HB 1092!
HB 1092 will remove the words "in a life-threatening emergency" from the current law, allowing APRNs to order CT and MRI in a routine situation without a physician's signature. This will cost the state no money and will increase access to care!

Please call today! Thank you!

Wording to include: "I'm writing you today to ask you to please put HB 1092 on the House Rules calendar before Crossover Day and vote YES! This bill is important in that it will remove unnecessary red tape and allow advanced practice nurses to order CT and MRIs in routine situations. Currently, APRNs can order CT and MRI in life-threatening situations but not routine. These delays care and INCREASES COSTS for Georgians! With advancing technology, abnormal mammograms require additional CT imaging. Please call this important bill up for a vote in the House! Thank you!"


Speaker Ralston: 404.656.5020

Smith, Richard Chairman: (404) 656-5141
Hatchett, Matt Vice Chairman: 404.656.5025
Jasperse, Rick Secretary: 404.656.7153

Burns, Jon: 404.656.5052
Kelley, Trey: 404.656.5024

Thank you!