Atlanta Chapter United Advanced Practice Registered Nurses

Calling ALL VOLUNTEERS for the 7th Annual Transitions Day

Posted over 4 years ago by Nicole Bello

***We are looking for VOLUNTEERS to assist with TRANSITIONS DAY planning***

Transitions Day was started 7 years ago by Marta Flood (past Atlanta UAPRN president) for APRN students in all stages of their graduate education. It also benefits recent graduates, seasoned APRNs and those who simply want a refresher. 

So far we have established a date and location. The tentative event date is Saturday, May 16th, 2020 at 8am-1pm and will take place at Georgia State University- Student Center East State Ballroom. We have also accumulated a list of schools to contact to solicit student involvement. 

We want ideas and suggestions from UAPRN members/student as we strive to meet the educational needs of Ga APRNs.

The volunteer needs to to be a member of UAPRN and be available for event planning meetings as well as be on site the day of the event for set up, etc...

Our first meeting will be on Sunsay, February 16th, 2020 at 7:30 pm via phone conference: (712) 770-3664; password: 379573). Please email and let us know you will be attending:

Please join us if you are interested in the commitment of making this the best Transitions Day yet!!!

Atlanta UAPRN