Atlanta Chapter United Advanced Practice Registered Nurses

Preceptor Tax Incentive- CALL TO ACTION

Posted over 5 years ago by Nicole Bello

The time is come for us to leverage our collective voices by contacting members of the legislature.

Preceptor Tax Incentive Program (P-TIP)

  • B 287- would revise the original law and change the benefit to a tax credit, instead of the current deduction. If HB 287 is signed into law, Physician Assistants and Advanced Practice Registered Nurses who act as preceptors, along with MD/DO preceptors, would be eligible for PTIP.
  • The current PTIP program was implemented in July 2014 and offers up to a $10,000 deduction for precepting medical/osteopathic, APRN, or PA students.
  • Students require significant clinical training to be provided in community based settings by community based faculty preceptors. Community based faculty preceptors are not compensated for their time teaching students but do so as part of their personal commitment to the health care system.
  • HB 287 would act as an incentive for faculty to serve as preceptors there by allowing for more students to complete their academic training, in a timely fashion and begin providing Healthcare to Georgia citizens.

ACTION: HB 287 will be heard by the House Ways & Means Sub-Committee on income Tax on Wednesday February 20th, 2019 at 1:30pm. Prior to this meeting we are asking members to contact the members of the Full Ways & Means committee (listed below) by phone, email or both to indicate your support for the bill and request a vote for it to be passed out of Ways & Means.

Committee Members

Harrell, Brett –Chairman

Carson, John –Vice Chairman

Rutledge, Dale –Secretary

Beasley-Teague, Sharon

Bentley, Patty

Blackmon, Shaw

Buckner, Debbie

Carpenter, Kasey

Corbett, John

Dickey, Robert

Frye, Spencer

Holcomb, Scott

Houston, Penny

Kelley, Trey

Knight, David

Martin, Chuck

Newton, Mark

Parsons, Don

Powell, Jay

Reeves, Bert

Rhodes, Trey

Rich, Bonnie

Smith, Vance

Stephens, Mickey

Stephens, Ron

Trammell, Robert

Watson, Sam

Williamson, Bruce

England, Terry

Rynders, Ed