Atlanta Chapter United Advanced Practice Registered Nurses

Information About Georgians for a Healthy Future

Posted over 11 years ago by Charlotte Swint

From the Georgia Society of Public Health Education (GASOPHE)

Amanda Ptashkin, Outreach and Advocacy Director at Georgians for a Healthy Future.

For those of you who are following the implementation of the Affordable Care Act here in Georgia, you may know that January 1, 2014 is the next big mile-marker for health care consumers—that is when the health insurance marketplace, or exchange, goes live.  It will allow individuals to shop for, compare, understand benefit offerings, and purchase insurance regardless of medical history.  I wanted to pass along some important and timely information about how this will play out in Georgia and how it will affect all of us who work within the public health world. 

My organization, Georgians for a  Healthy Future, along with national partners Families USA, Enroll America and Seedco, are hosting 2 events next week regarding the opportunities that the exchanges, and in particular for the role of navigators, have for health advocates to engage.  To learn more about what navigators are and how they will function in the exchange and within our communities, click here

Below is the announcement that GHF sent out today. I would encourage any GASOPHE members who have direct connections to community groups and others who reach those affected by the coverage offerings, to join us for a webinar on Wed April 10 and for an in-person meeting Thurs April 11. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Amanda Ptashkin GASOPHE Advocacy Chair

Interested in helping with enrollment in the new health insurance marketplace?

Georgia consumers will soon have access to health insurance coverage through the new health insurance marketplace, or exchange. Georgia is one of 33 states in which the federal government will be operating the marketplace. If you are interested in helping with enrollment into coverage available through the new marketplace, you should know about a new funding opportunity: The Department of Health and Human Services will announce grants very soon that will be available to organizations for outreach and assistance to help individuals and small employers enroll in health coverage. These grants were created as part of the navigator program that was established by the Affordable Care Act. 

Join us for this timely webinar about the Affordable Care Act’s navigator grants

If you or your organization are interested in applying for the upcoming funding opportunity provided through the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for navigator grants or you would like to connect with other organizations who will be applying, please join Georgians for a Healthy Future, Seedco, Families USA and Enroll America for this important webinar on April 10th, 2013 at 11am.

In the next few days, HHS is planning to announce funding that will be available to organizations for outreach and assistance to help individuals and small employers enroll in health coverage. These grants are created as part of the navigator program that was established by the Affordable Care Act.  To learn more about navigators, click here To learn more about this funding opportunity and to connect with other Georgia organizations interested in health insurance outreach and enrollment, please join our webinar on Wednesday, April 10, 2013 at 11 AM.  Click here to RSVP

Also join us for an in-person meeting for more navigator discussion

Please join us for an in-person meeting to further discuss this funding opportunity and opportunities for collaboration on outreach and enrollment on Thursday, April 11, from 2:30 – 4:30 PM at the Philip Rush Center (1530 DeKalb Ave NE, Atlanta, GA).  To RSVP, click here

If you have questions about the webinar or want an update on enrollment efforts please contact Amanda Ptashkin, Outreach and Advocacy Director at Georgians for a Healthy Future. You can reach her at