Atlanta Chapter United Advanced Practice Registered Nurses

SB-351 Passes Senate Floor ✔️

Posted over 6 years ago by Nicole Bello

Congratulations APRNs of Georgia!

Two Senate bills that would impact our patients and profession met the crossover deadline for consideration by the House of Representatives yesterday in the Georgia legislature.

Senate Bill 351, as amended by the Senate Health Committee, was approved on the Senate floor last night and will now be considered in the House of Representatives. This bill as amended aims to allow physicians to supervise up to 8 APRNs under the current protocol and authorize APRNs under protocol to order radiologic testing outside of life-threatening emergencies.

Senate Bill 334, a bill to transfer the Georgia Board of Nursing from the jurisdiction of the Secretary of State to the Department of Community Health for administrative purposes only, also passed the Senate this week ahead of the deadline and will be considered by the House of Representatives.

Both bills face another deadline in the House in three weeks. The Georgia legislature convenes for just ten more legislative days before Sine Die, or the end of the 2018 session on March 29.

Please remember to reach out and thank our Senate supporters!!! Most importantly STAY ENGAGED!


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