Atlanta Chapter United Advanced Practice Registered Nurses

Senate Bill 94 Urgent

Posted over 11 years ago by Charlotte Swint

This announcement has 1 attachment:
SB94.pdf (11 KB)

Senate Bill 94 Click Here passed out of the Rules Committee this afternoon and is on the calendar for a vote by the full Senate on Thursday March 7.

THE ASK: Please take the time to contact your Senators by phone or e-mail and ask them to "Vote Yes" for SB 94. Passage of this bill will increase access and quality of patient care while reducing costs.

WHY IS YOUR RESPONSE VITAL? Every single contact is of enormous importance, as the bill's opponents will be working to generate "no" votes. Senators will respond to contacts from constituents to make their decision. Please make sure that they hear from YOU. For your convenience, talking points and a list of the Senators contact information is attached as well as a sample letter.

Please attach the talking points to any e-mails you send. We can do this with your help!!

Laura Searcy MN APRN PNP-BC
Policy Director Legislative Liaison Coalition of Advanced Practice Registered Nurses