Atlanta Chapter United Advanced Practice Registered Nurses

SB 94 will be on the Senate Calendar--- Urgent

Posted over 11 years ago by Charlotte Swint

Hello CAPRN,
Please pass all information along to your individual organizations ASAP! We need our grassroots efforts and senators need to hear from us! I have attached the full Senate list with contact information as well as a sample letter/email to your senators.
SB 94 will be on the Senate Calendar for a vote the early part of next week. Senators have told me that they would really like to hear from their home town constituents about this bill. It is important for them to know that this bill matters to the health care providers in their communities.  Please take a few moments to support quality care for your patients and a better practice environment for your profession.  The Atlanta offices of members of the Senate can be called even after hours and over the weekend and a brief message left to "Please vote "YES" for Sb 94. Passage will increase access and quality of care, avoid unnecessary delays in diagnosis and treatment and reduce  costs. A big thank you to those who have contacted your Senators. Let's be sure that they hear the voices of APRN's between now and Monday! Please report the results of your contacts to Laura Searcy as listed below. Thanks everyone.
Laura Searcy MN APRN PNP-BC
Policy Director Legislative Liaison
Coalition of Advanced Practice Registered Nurses