Atlanta Chapter United Advanced Practice Registered Nurses

Member Communication

Posted over 11 years ago by Charlotte Swint


We are looking forward to our meeting on February 28. Please note that you must RSVP directly with the company and not on the ENP webpage.

We wanted to thank everyone that provided comments about not receiving ballots for the state UAPRN elections. We want you to know that we have forwarded those concerns to the state leadership.

Tonight we have sent an email request to one of the state officers asking if a state officer could attend our meeting on February 28. We will keep you posted.

We are looking at scheduling a meeting in March possibly with the PA group. We also have a vendor we are talking with for an April meeting. We value your support of the organization. Also, the vendors value your presence at the events. When you RSVP for an event, please make every effort to attend the event.

Please use the "Contact Us" button to contact us with any concerns.

Your Atlanta Chapter Officers