Atlanta Chapter United Advanced Practice Registered Nurses

UAPRN State Elections/New Officers

Posted over 11 years ago by Charlotte Swint

Wanda Jones, our past state president, has notified our chapter that elections have been held, and the following list represents our new officers.

  • James Lawrence Jr. PhD, APRN-BC, FAANP
  • Wanda Jones MSN, FNP-BC
  • Linda Gay MSN, FNP-BC
  • Debi Gass MSN, FNP-BC

We were told that a Survey Monkey survey was used for the elections and an email from Debbie Godwin was sent to paid members about the elections. If you are a paid member, can you please use the "Contact Us" button to let us know if you did or did not receive a ballot.

Atlanta Chapter UAPRN Officers